Изгубена архитектура и природа: Светски знаменитости кои исчезнаа во последните пет години


Само во последните неколку години збришано е од светската мапа многубројно културно-историско наследство и природно богатство. За релиси секое виновен е човекот, дали поради предизвикување на климатските промени, невнимание или поради директна примена на сила.

Ова се примери на изгубена архитектура и природа само во последните пет години.

Нотр Дам, Париз


Плажа Легзира, Сиди Ифни, Мароко


Храм Бел, Палмира, Сирија

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The temple of Baal Shamin (Built in the 2nd century BC and substantially rebuilt in 131 AD), and the Temple of Bel in Palmyra, Syria. (Built in the 2nd century AD). – Both were destroyed by ISIS in 2015 and 2010 respectively. They were described by Maamoun Abdulkarim, the head of the Syrian Department of Antiquities and Museums, as the “the most important temples in Syria and the most important in the whole Middle East,”. You may suppose that Palmyra was just one of those many ancient cities scattered around the globe about which we should know more if only we had the time, but in fact the city ranked alongside those of Pompeii and Ephesus, with remains reaching back at least 5,000 years. For a period it was part of the Roman empire, but before that it was a ‘merchant republic’, where Egyptians, Greeks, Jews and Italians, spoke Arabic, Aramaic, Greek and sometimes Latin, and worshipped and respected many gods. One Palmyrene observed that piety showed ‘a respect for divine human laws vis-à-vis everyone. Palmyra was a trading stop between the Mediterranean and the Euphrates. Incense, myrrh, pepper, ivory and pearls, as well as Indian and Chinese silks and cotton were traded there. Its great leaders wore Greek and Arab clothes and knew many languages. Indeed, a wind of freedom blew over Palmyra, one of nonconformity. It was a city in which everything came together… Arabia, Persia, Hellenism, the Orient and the West.

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Национален парк Дрвото на Џошуа (Joshua Tree), Калифорнија, САД

Мала Сирена, Копенхаген, Данска

Езеро Мекензи, Тасманија, Австралија

Национално богатство на Бримхамската карпа, Северен Јоркшир, Англија
